Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Winning Shot

A few months ago Sierra was out riding her horse when a neighbor came over to ask me if she could take some pics for a photography class she was taking at college. Her assignment was to capture the light from a sunset behind a subject, Sierra being her subject. Needless to say she got it! I found out later that she scored an A & the above photo was used as an example to the class to show the other students exactly what the professor wanted them to capture. The second one shows just how fast the light changes a shot.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In the Quiet.....

O Lord, the scripture says, "there is a time for silence & a time for speech." Savior, teach me the silence of humility, the silence of wisdom, the silence of love, the silence of perfection, the silence that speaks without words, the silence of faith. Lord, teach me to silence my own heart that I may listen to gentle movement of the Holy Spirit within me and sense the depths which are of God.            ~German Prayer

I love this prayer. It speaks volumes to my heart. I am reminded of Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."

In 1 Kings 19 scripture tells us that Elijah didn't hear God in the wind, in the earthquake, or in the fire, but in a still, small voice. Yes, a still small voice. That same voice that is heard through the silence of my own heart. Sometimes our outside influences can be a distraction to us but we must remember that a quiet heart is an attentive heart.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Sew" Much Fun

Sierra has been enjoying sewing classes again this summer. Thanks, Mrs. Debbie. The girls have been making some really cute things & they have been inspired to sew things on their own at home. Each week when we meet they have a little show & tell about what they are working on at home. For class each week they all bring their sewing machines, fabric, & any supplies they need. They get to make their project from start to finish & take it home that day. I think Sierra has really developed a love for sewing & has made so many fun memories with friends.
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